Crystal Jones


Crystal Jones

Crystal joins us on 420 Is Just a Number
"I was always overweight and got teased all the time about it. I tried diet after diet and could never get it right. At my heaviest weight, I was 420 lbs and realized something had to change."

 In 2008, Crystal  lost her father in a motorcycle accident. One month later, she had weight loss surgery gastric bypass. She got down to about 250 lbs, got married, had 2 children, then got divorced. She was back over 300 lbs. 

She woke up one day and said to herself, "If I want to get healthy, I have to change my mindset and actually stick to it." She did.  She started the Keto diet and loved it so much she started a meal prep company, JustEats817. She formed a passion for making delicious low carb meals. 

"I have a true passion for helping others achieve their weight loss goals. I also workout at least 5 days a week. I saw the healthiest version of myself and I chased that. I went from a size 28 down to a size 12. I love spreading positivity and hope to others who are morbidly obese and need hope."
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