Brian Taylor


Brian Taylor

Brian’s Daily Grind
This site is all about teaching people to write and tell better stories. It hosts a podcast by the same name and can be found almost everywhere you get your podcasts, as well as, on the site.

Snaps and Clicks Photography
I love photography. I partnered up with an amazing person by the name of Rudy Meadows to create our company. I specialize in portraits of all types

Empty Cup Meditations
This is a very unique app I have created for those that need a different way to meditate.

The Most Amazing Story Ever
I have written several books. The Audiobooks are available as an app

Brian joins us on A Brian of All Trades
I am a 44-year-old author, artist, sound designer, course creator from Denver, Colorado. For me, family is everything. I want to have more time to be with my family and to help us prosper. The best way to do that is to help others.

As a polymath, a person of wide-ranging knowledge, I find that I am always learning and creating. The list of skills that I have acquired is hilariously long. The ones that I currently pursue the most are photography, writing, audio design and production, illustration, and general badassery. I have spent decades in other forms of knowledge as well. Being an athlete, chef, dancer, poet, etc. has all helped to shape who I am today. Through this collection of skills, I have mastered the art of learning.

Some things that I learn, like art, stay with me as a hobby or skill set. Other things, like storytelling, fill me to the brim and I can’t help but teach people.

There is something magical about being able to tell a story and teach people at the same time. Giving the gift of knowledge is an incredibly rewarding practice. I have found ways and methods to teach this art of storytelling to anyone that has the desire to learn, and the will to work.

After all, nothing worth doing is easy.

To say that I have a bold personality is an understatement. I am boisterous, I curse, and I don’t pull punches. But I believe that our society needs that kind of truthfulness these days. We are so bombarded with fake messages and fake people that it is comforting when we find genuine people.

I like to say that my personality and teaching style will stab you in the eye with a breath of fresh air. However, I am painfully aware of my flaws and shortcomings. Just like everyone else I am haunted by my regrets and failures, especially when they have done harm to others.

-Brian Taylor
Brian Taylor

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