Alphinius Goo


Alphinius Goo

Alphinius Goo is a wizard who abides in the World of Zyathé, which is also called The Wy’rded World. Zyathé is a wondrous and fearful planet that spins in the Eterniverse created by AvovA… crafter of The Way of All Things. Alphinius specializes in the study of Goos, Jellies, Oozes, and Cubes and has done much research on these and other topics of magic in his long and sordid career. He lives in the Tower of Goo which sits upon an island some 30 or so miles north of the great City of Darkenhaven in the Republic of Zyranthea. Alphinius has authored and directed more than a few tomes of lore and adventure about this world and is planning on helping create many more in the years to come.


In real life, Alphinius is named Kim Shugart and is one of the founders of the Gooey Cube game company. Gooey Cube makes makes all the materials, adventures, and supplements related to Zyathé. He is also a Creative Director and one of the owners of WickedThink, a modest advertising agency in Colorado Springs, Colorado. 
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